General rules
CELLIM is a light microscopy facility at CEITEC MU, available to both academic and industry users. Prospective users should first contact CELLIM using the web portal to schedule an appointment to discuss their project and identify the appropriate instrumentation. Following this meeting, CELLIM staff will arrange training. Upon successful completion, users will gain access to the CELLIM facility and its reservation system.
Instrument access and training
Only trained and registered users are permitted to operate instruments within the facility. Training on all instruments at the CELLIM facility is mandatory and is charged according to the current price list. Each user undergoes initial training conducted by CELLIM staff on a selected instrument. Upon completion, the user receives temporary certification, which must be validated by using the instrument within one month to obtain permanent certification. Failure to do so will result in the loss of certification, requiring retraining. If a user has not operated an instrument for over 12 months, a refresher training session is required to maintain an active certification. Instruments not listed in the booking system, such as stereomicroscopes or those in the sample preparation laboratory, may only be used after receiving authorization and training from CELLIM staff.
Training by anyone other than CELLIM staff is strictly prohibited.
The equipment of the CELLIM facility is listed here.
Equipment reservation & cancellation policy
All instrument bookings must be made through the online reservation system at www.booking.ceitec.cz. Reservations can be created at any time but no more than one month in advance. Please note that cancellations must be made at least 24 hours in advance for confocal microscope bookings and at least 12 hours in advance for all other instruments, including software. Cancellations made after these periods will incur the full session charge. If you need to cancel due to unexpected events, such as sudden illness, CELLIM staff can assist with the cancellation.
Sessions without a reservation are not permitted. Additionally, please include time for cleaning the instrument in your booking to avoid delays for the next user.
Quota for microscopes reservations - all microscopes except Lightsheet and software
The working day is divided into standard working hours (9:00–17:00) and outside hours (before 9:00 and after 17:00), as shown in the schematic below. During standard working hours, each user can reserve a maximum slot of 4 hours. Outside of these hours, there are no limitations, and the hours reserved do not count toward the quota. The quota system applies from Monday to Friday, excluding national holidays. On weekends and holidays, there is no quota for reservations.
Example: If a user needs a 6-hour slot on a microscope, they can reserve from 7:00 to 13:00 or from 13:00 to 19:00. In this case, 4 hours fall within standard working hours, and 2 hours are outside of them.
If a user requires more than 4 hours during standard working hours, they must consult with CELLIM staff in advance. This quota system applies to all microscopes except the Lightsheet system. Reservations can be made a maximum of a month in advance.
Please ensure to manage remote software reservations on the Odeon server carefully. After your session expires, make sure to close the software and sign out of your account.
User responsibilities
Before beginning, users should verify that the workspace and instrument are clean and in good condition. If not, they must inform CELLIM staff and report the issue. Each user is responsible for leaving the workspace clean after use, with particular care given to immersion objectives. Objectives must be cleaned using appropriate lens-cleaning tissues and solution. If any part of the instrument is found to be non-functional, it should be reported to CELLIM staff immediately. Before switching off the instrument, users should check if another reservation is scheduled afterwards. If another user is expected, the system can remain on. The argon laser should be set to "standby" mode if another user will be using the system later that day. Please consult CELLIM staff if you are unsure. The last user of the day is responsible for switching off the instrument.
Users who repeatedly violate the rules may be subject to suspension of instrument access and/or entry to the facility.
Monitoring CO 2 level in the microscopy room – C02-1.13, 1.14, 1.15, E26-1S23
Due to the presence of CO₂ vessels in the room, CO₂ concentration is continuously monitored. If the concentration exceeds safe levels, an alarm will sound. In this case, users must open a window, leave the room, and immediately contact CELLIM staff.
Computers and data storage
Data acquired locally should be transferred immediately after acquisition to the server or another designated storage location. For data transfer, please use the SMB protocol or a similar method; do not use flash drives or any external devices. CELLIM is not responsible for data storage and user data stored on microscope computers may be deleted at any time without warning. Installing any software on CELLIM computers is strictly prohibited.
Reservations are charged according to the current price list.
Since our equipment was purchased with public resources and users are not charged the full cost, they must acknowledge the CELLIM facility in their presentations, posters, or publications (including bachelor’s and master’s theses). For the current version of the acknowledgment, please check the CELLIM webpages.
Please send us the publications that include the CELLIM acknowledgment. Users who publish data obtained with CELLIM equipment or assistance without proper acknowledgment will be charged the full price.