Data Policy
The handling of data generated in the CELLIM core facility is governed by the measure of the CEITEC MU Director: Research Data Policy, which specifies generally applicable regulations, and the Core Facility Data Management document (below). All users of the laboratory (MU employees, external, commercial and others) are obliged to follow these documents and acknowledge the Core Facility in all results published based on the data obtained at the Core Facility (see Acknowledgment).
[Cellular Imaging Core Facility CELLIM]Core Facility Data Management | |
Verze/ Version | 1.0 |
Platné od/ Applicable from | 3.6.2021 |
Dostupnost dat/ Data accesibility | Cellim computers are connected to the Masaryk University network allowing connection to local servers by standard network communication protocols. Cellim does not take responsibility for data stored on local PCs. On-demand Cellim can provide data storage space on the internal data processing server Acquifer-Odeon. |
Kvóty úložného prostoru na uživatele/sadu měření/ Disk space quotas per user/measurement set | The default quota is 1 TB per user for 30 days on the Acquifer-Odeon server. Individual quotas are allocated to lightsheet microscope users. |
Skladování dat/ Data storage | Data on local PCs are not stored and can be removed at any time without notification. It is strongly recommended to save data directly to the server or move data from local PCs to server location immediately after acquisition. Cellim does not provide a solution for long-term data storage but can provide storage space for a short-time period on local server Acquifer-Odeon. The standard quota is 1TB for the period of 30 days per user. After this period data can be deleted without notification. |
Preferovaný způsob předávání dat uživateli/ Preffered way of data transfer to users | SMB or other network communication protocols. Using USB flashdisks or other external devices are not recommended for data transfer. |
Mazání starých dat/ Destruction of old data | Data are removed after 30 days. Users can ask for prolongation. Based on free capacity Cellim can extend the time period for data storage. |
Zabezpečení dat/ Data security | Windows server. Each user has their own login and password and can't see or access other users data. |
Zacházení s citlivými daty/ Handling of sensitive data | not applicable |
Osoba odpovědná za CF/ Responsible person from CF |