Access and booking system
Booking systems
Direct access for registered users to the booking system.
Registration to booking system for unregistered users.
Quota for confocal microscopes reservations
A working day is split into standard working hours (9:00-17:00) and outside hours (before 9:00
and after 17:00), see the schematic picture below. During standard working hours, each user can reserve
max. 4 hours slot. During outside hours there are no limitations and hours reserved in this period are
not counted in the quota.
Quota system is valid from Monday to Friday, except national holidays. During week-ends and
holidays there is no quota for reservations.
Example: User needs 6 hours slot on a confocal microscope. So he/she can reserve from 7:00 until
13:00, or from 13:00 until 19:00. You use 4 hours slot during standard working hours and 2 hours
from outside hours.
In cases where the user really needs more than 4 hours during standard working hours, please consult
with CELLIM staff first. This quota system is valid only for confocal microscopes. Other instruments
can be reserved without any restrictions.